Thursday, July 30, 2009

All things new...

I am now crawling, eating 3 meals a day, playing w/ my brother big time. Here are some of our latest adventures. I even got to go the fire station and BABES!!! woo hoo. Not to mention...I am sleeping through the night now after some "tough love" and we are all much happier every day. Mom has more energy and I am happy again!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

WOW, How time does fly

SO...I knew it had been a while, but didn't know it was THIS long! SO sorry. Truly I am loved as much as Luke, even though the posts dont reflect that fact! Actually, if you think about it, you know I am loved because we are so busy doing stuff that we don't have time to post...Luke must have been so boring. :0)

So really since I have checked in last, too much has happened to even update. WE all got the flu, the floors have been replaced, I finally got to meet my Aunts Diane, Marcy,and Gray and Casey and my cousins in Colorado, and my Aunt Pansy and Uncle Bill and my grandma came on vacation with me. I have seen fireworks, gone swimming several times, am close to crawling, eating real food that mom makes me...all those little baby things are gone, gone gone.

I am still as joyful as ever. My nickname is still Moose and Happy Cat because I rarely am not smiling or laughing. I bring joy to my brother and mom and dad daily. The dog even loves me to death. All in all, Life is Good and I am amazingly blessed.
In the near future, mom is hoping to get me enrolled in a Gymboree class so I can start doing stuff with just her once a week...but we are still trying to work out the logistics. So here are a few pics and hopefully youc can figure out what they are! Highlights are the 4th of July and my Breckenridge vacation.

and finally if you don't think I love my life...who else can say they have so much fun they just gotta stop for a nap!?